Friday, December 23, 2011
October Professional Photos
Monday, August 29, 2011
August in North Carolina
At the end of August, we all went out to Burnsville, NC, to visit with the Lunn's. We spent a great weekend at a golf resort and enjoyed some hikes, cool days and cool nights, and great sunsets with a red sun. Thanks to Matt, Samantha, Little Olivia, Tom and Mandy for hosting us for the weekend and putting up with our little balls of energy. Some photos from the trip are below.
The Darlings during a morning hike, with the NC mountains in the background.
Isabel and Cameron enjoying some time on the deck.
One of the great sunsets. Isabel and Cameron liked seeing the orange/red sun go down behind the mountains to go to sleep.
The Darlings and the Lunns (Samantha, Matt and Little Olivia) at the top of an observation deck during a hike.
Cameron trying to hide from the camera!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Cars & Princess Party - 3rd Birthday
Their third birthday arrived on Friday, August 5th. Meghan's family visited the house for the celebration, and the kids got to open lots of presents, including two new bicycles and a lot of new toys. Somehow they didn't get many clothes for their birthday......unless you count the barbie clothes.
Their birthday party was on Saturday, August 6th, at 5 pm. We created a theme of "Race to Princess Castle" as a way to combine Isabel's wish for a princess party and Cameron's wish for a cars party. The party was well planned -- with lots of outdoor activities, including games and a pool for the kids to play in. Unfortunately, as luck (or mother nature) would have it, it started to thunderstorm at exactly 5 pm. So the kids "outdoor" party turned into a modified indoor party. We had about 20 minutes between storms, so all of the kids got to play outside for a little while, and then come inside to make crowns/tiaras and eat pizza and cake. At the end of the party, the sun came out again, so everyone went outside to splash in the pool and slide on the wet grass. All in all, the kids had a great party and slept very well that night.
Below are some photos from the day.
Isabel exclaims "Cam, we are three years old today...yay!"....."Big Deal" says Cameron.
Yummy, I luv to eat cake for my birthday...the candles on the other hand don't taste too good (Cameron discovered that fact himself)
Isabel learned that licking the candles is better than eating them.
The kids were able to splash around in the pool in between thunderstorms. They had a great time with their neighborhood and preschool friends.
Isabel was rarely seen without a tiara or crown of some sort on her head during the party :-)
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Outer Banks Beach Trip
Below are some photos from the trip. The kids are growing fast and developing their own opinions....which they tend to express more often and loudly than we would like!
We rented two bikes and a trailer for the kids and went on a couple of bike rides around the town of Duck. We even found a couple of up/down "roller coaster" hills where the kids yelled "Go Daddy go! Faster!"
Isabel loves her dresses and has the cutest little-girl smile this side of the Mississippi. Often it is a mischievous smile, but it is still cute :-)
Every year we take family photos on the beach. Maybe one of these years we will get a photo where all 4 of us look at the camera and smile!
Here are two fake smile...but at least they tried!
Isabel loves her "big" brother Cameron :-)
Cameron loved playing on the beach with his dump truck. This dump truck was Jason's when he was a kid. Cameron still did not like the ocean very much, but maybe next year he'll go in the water!
Sunday, April 3, 2011
A Day at Lazy 5 Ranch
Friday, March 25, 2011
Ashes...or Bums?
1. Ashes...or Bums? We really need to teach Cameron how to pronounce his "sh" sound...or else he changed the words to "Ring around the Rosie."
2. Our little princess...Isabel loves her princess dress and heels.
3. A good laugh. Making new use of a ceiling fan to entertain the kids!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Halloween, Christmas and Everything In Between
The photos below show snapshots of October through December. We spent Halloween trick-or-treating in our new neighborhood, Thanksgiving with Jason's family in Vermont, and Christmas with Meghan's family in North Carolina.
Isabel was a little lamb for Halloween and enjoyed say "tick teat" at all of the houses.
At first, Cameron did not like his Lion costume and sounded like a lion with all of the screaming he did. But once he started to drag his "big truck" with him through the neighborhood, he began to enjoy himself.
Cousins Jordan and Maddie joined us for some trick or treating in our neighborhood.
The whole gang out trick or treating (Jason taking the photo).
Cousin Anna and Isabel enjoying some play time together.
We took the kids to a UVM hockey game and they both liked watching the Zamboni during the time between periods.
Isabel liked wearing her winter hat, and is seen here with Nono Darling.
Cousin Ethan, Cameron and Isabel playing with the rocking horse that Daddy used when he was growing up!
Of course, no trip to Vermont would be complete without a little snow!
Cousins Ethan and Anna together with Cameron and Isabel, who were not too interested in posing for this photo.
While we were up north, we spent a few days in Boston and visited with the kids' Nanny Erika and her daughter Amanda. Isabel got to dress up like a princess.
Cam and Izzie in Charlestown, MA.

Cameron all dressed up and ready to go to church on Christmas Eve.
The Darling, Bahler, and Tabaretti clans (and Duchess, sneaking into the photo) on Christmas Eve.
All the kids in their Christmas Eve outfits...we took the kids to church, which was an adventure. They did not like sitting through an hour long mass!
The Darlings all dressed up for Church.
Cameron and Isabel playing with some new toys, and responding to Jason's request to "laugh for the camera!"
Isabel on Christmas day, wearing her new headband and flower.
Cameron got his "joo joo bean" (how he says choo choo train) from Santa for Christmas....
...and Isabel got her "baby doll" from Santa for Christmas!