For the 4th consecutive year, the Darling clan -- Jason, Meghan, Cameron, Isabel, Duchess and Dixie -- all piled into the car and drove to the Outer Banks in North Carolina for a week at the beach with Meghan's family. Cameron & Isabel enjoyed the addition of the dual-DVD players for the long ride, and Mom and Dad equally enjoyed the noticable reduction in fussiness that the DVD players provided!
Once at the beach, we enjoyed lots of time on the beach or by the pool. Isabel really enjoyed the ocean, and would have run right out into the waves if left by herself! Cameron was a little less taken by the ocean...that might have something to do with the big wave that knocked him off of his feet and soaked him. But he did enjoy playing in the sand, especially dumping the sand all over himself.
Below are several photos from the trip.
The Darlings on the beach...Cameron is holding onto a remote control...that was his new favorite toy for the week.
The Bahler-Darling-Tabaretti families with the beach house in the background.
Isabel enjoying some time at the beach. Sunglasses were her favorite new "toy" for the week. She wore them to the beach, in the pool, at breakfast, at dinner, in the tub....basically everywhere!
"Hey Dad...what are you doing down here on the sand??"
"Cameron, you are so immature."
"All right...I'm ready for the beach. Let's go!"
Meghan, Cousin Jordan, and Cameron going down to check out the waves.
Cameron enjoying a barefoot stroll on the beach.