Sunday, November 16, 2008

14 Hours to North Carolina...

With the twins approaching 3 months of age, we decided it was time to take them on a trip to North Carolina to visit Meghan's parents, sister and family. The twins had grown so much since Meghan's family had seen them last, so we were looking forward to the vacation to North Carolina. But first, there was the minor issue of the 14 hour drive from Boston to Southern Pines, NC! We decided to try an overnight trip, and left on Friday at 11 pm....after 4 hours in the car, Jason was still driving and feeling a little sleepy...luckily he had brought along a Red Bull and was able to find the AC DC channel on XM...nothing like a little "Hells Bells" and "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" to give a driver an extra shot of adrenaline! Overall, the twins were perfect travelers and we didn't need to stop until 7 am to feed them. They slept 90% of the trip and we arrived in Southern Pines at around 1 pm the next day, only having to stop TWICE for the twins! Our traveling circus of two babies and two puppies was comical at rest areas, but overall it was an uneventful trip.

During our stay in North Carolina, Jason has played lots of golf (or at least TRIED to play golf), everyone has gotten more sleep, we had a Bahler early Thanksgiving, and Jordan and Madison got to "play" with their little cousins :-)
Jim was also able to finally open his 1955 bottle of Canadian Whiskey. In 1987, one of his college buddies gave him the gift of the whiskey "to be opened on the birth of his first grandson." So during this trip, Jim and Jason shared a toast with the whiskey, which literally "warmed" them right up...

Below are some photos from the trip in North Carolina.

Jim and Jason sharing a glass of the 1955 Whiskey.

Grandma and Cameron sharing a glass of the Whiskey :-) Not really, but she looks whiskey happy and he looks whiskey drunk!

Meghan, Jason, Isabel and Cameron in a family photo with the twins at 3 months old.

Jason and Mini-Jason. Mini-Jason is sporting a nice suit with a stylish bow tie.

Chele, Jordan, Madison, Isabel and Cameron....the Bahler girls and Cameron!

Isabel showing off her flirtatious smile :-)

Cameron with a sly little look...he's probably passing gas.

Isabel enjoying some awake time with Mommy...

...and some sleep time with Mommy.

Cameron helping himself to a little snack.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Series of Firsts...

In the weeks and months leading up the arrival of the twins, I (this is Jason) found myself marking a series of "lasts." The last good night's sleep. The last night out for beer and nachos at a sports bar without having to find a babysitter. The last quiet night watching TV. The last time I could say "I'll be there in 20 minutes." The last easy road trip......

But now that I look back, none of that means all that much, especially given the series of "firsts" which has begun since the twins were born. See below for some photos marking these "firsts."

The first nap for Baby Mama and Cameron

The first time reading a book to Isabel, and the first look of "awe" on her face...

Isabel's first crush...she gave Jack Hayken the "eye" during a recent visit to Northern Virgina.

The first Halloween

Cameron's first dance move? Is that the "running man"?

The first time meeting their cousins

And of course, what made our hearts melt, the first smiles :-)

We're looking forward to a lot more "firsts" over the coming weeks and months!