Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Series of Firsts...

In the weeks and months leading up the arrival of the twins, I (this is Jason) found myself marking a series of "lasts." The last good night's sleep. The last night out for beer and nachos at a sports bar without having to find a babysitter. The last quiet night watching TV. The last time I could say "I'll be there in 20 minutes." The last easy road trip......

But now that I look back, none of that means all that much, especially given the series of "firsts" which has begun since the twins were born. See below for some photos marking these "firsts."

The first nap for Baby Mama and Cameron

The first time reading a book to Isabel, and the first look of "awe" on her face...

Isabel's first crush...she gave Jack Hayken the "eye" during a recent visit to Northern Virgina.

The first Halloween

Cameron's first dance move? Is that the "running man"?

The first time meeting their cousins

And of course, what made our hearts melt, the first smiles :-)

We're looking forward to a lot more "firsts" over the coming weeks and months!

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